Thursday, October 26, 2006

Oh how positively petty.

I got booted out of P&A.

Funny isn't it. Anyone can say whatever they like about me and mine, but when I do likewise, it's the end of the world.

"But you brought it up first, Rat, so don't blame other people when you get responses you don't like."

And I got you to bring it up later - in the heat of battle no less - so does that mean I'm not allowed to respond in the same manner to which you responded to my messages?

Those oh so perfect in every way women can gleefully have a free-for-all at the expense of my beloved little brother, but bring Wes's brat into the mix and it's evil beyond belief - even though I didn't besmirch the kid or say anything negative about him. (Until now, but this is my blog and I'll say whatever I friggin well want to say...)

But I know why they banned me. It was because dear Wes felt threatened that I would take her online activities offline and email her boss that she spends hours of her day every day mucking about on MSN messageboards on her work computer.

The comment that did it was "That's telling. That's very telling. I wonder if I should tell."

Although I did clarify that I wouldn't do any such thing, and they should damn well know that, it was still perceived as a real threat - or so they'd like to make out they felt threatened - so Rat had to go. No fanfare, no email, just bye-bye.

What stuns me the most is that all the behaviours I exhibit about which they all complain are exactly the same behaviours they exhibit themselves.

But I think what really makes my breakfast is the fact I was accused of making a threat against zippy as well - when in this blog I'd pointed out the threat was merely a hint that I might just leave the group altogether thus taking the wind out of zippy's sails - he'd have nothing about which to complain and therefore no reason to even be a member of the group.

Nice one Jen. Zippy said you have balls for making a decision. The trouble is, they're Wes's balls. The sisterhood thrives.

Oh well... I'm done with it all now. The kids want me to get active again over the other side so who needs the bullshit, the backstabbing, the paranoia, the innuendo, the cattiness and negativity of a bunch of airheads who've hit middle age before they've hit 30.

What a lot of bollocks. I should have done this last year when I first ventured over to the other side, realised how much I didn't need all the shit of which I complained at msn and just never bothered going back.

New horizons, no baggage. Let's see where it goes.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I caught up with a couple of people last week whom I met at a train station a few months ago.

It made my week.

Not much else has happened that is worthy of a blog mention.

Except to say I've experienced the tiniest modicum of disappointment in a few people at PA. I actually gave thought to leaving the group yesterday whilst I removed myself from Philochat and Big Daddy's Cafe. Leaving would have totally removed zippy's reason for even being there since all he's done is try to get the better of me since he got back from his honeymoon. I mentioned it in one thread and it was taken by him to be a threat to his offline existence, such as it is.

What a gimp. Red X, zippy. If it's no longer fun for you, use the little red X.

Fuck, some people are stupid.